Intelligent Video Surveillance Server
Parametrické vyhľadávanie
1.50 human face image databases with 5 hundred thousand images in total. 2.50 plate databases with 5 hundred thousand plates in total. Blocklist/allowlist function. 3.48-channel human face recognition (1080P video stream) or 160 images/second image str
SKLADOM : | Nie |
1.50 human face image databases with 5 hundred thousand images in total. 2.50 plate databases with 5 hundred thousand plates in total. Blocklist/allowlist function. 3.96-channel human face recognition (1080P video stream) or 320 images/second image str
SKLADOM : | Nie |
512Mbps input, 24ch 1080P decoding, max 256 IPC input, H.265&H.264 16 HDD, 1 VGA&3 HDMI, 4 RJ45(1000M), 4 USB(2USB3.0), 2 SAS3.0 RAID0/1/5/6/10
SKLADOM : | Nie |
1.50 human face image databases with 5 hundred thousand images in total. 2.50 plate databases with 5 hundred thousand plates in total. Blocklist/allowlist function. 3.48-channel human face recognition (1080P video stream) or 160 images/second image str
SKLADOM : | Nie |
?4U standard rack, dual power supply. ?3 HDMI ports, 2 VGA ports; simultaneous video sources output for HDMI1+VGA1 and HDMI2+VGA2; 4K output. ?Four 10/100/1000 Mbps self-adaptive Ethernet ports; Four gigabit optical fiber ports expandable. ?Supports DS
SKLADOM : | Nie |
1.50 human face image databases with 5 hundred thousand images in total. 2.50 plate databases with 5 hundred thousand plates in total. Blocklist/allowlist function. 3.96-channel human face recognition (1080P video stream) or 320 images/second image str
SKLADOM : | Nie |
512Mbps input, 24ch 1080P decoding, max 256 IPC input, H.265&H.264 16 HDD, 1 VGA&3 HDMI, 4 RJ45(1000M), 4 USB(2USB3.0), 2 SAS3.0 RAID0/1/5/6/10, LCD Screen, redundant power
SKLADOM : | Nie |
1.50 human face image databases with 5 hundred thousand images in total. 2.50 plate databases with 5 hundred thousand plates in total. Blocklist/allowlist function. 3.96-channel human face recognition (1080P video stream) or 320 images/second image str
SKLADOM : | Nie |
512Mbps input, 24ch 1080P decoding, max 256 IPC input, H.265&H.264 24 HDD, 1 VGA&3 HDMI, 4 RJ45(1000M), 4 USB(2USB3.0), 2 SAS3.0 RAID0/1/5/6/10
SKLADOM : | Nie |
?4U standard rack, dual power supply. ?3 HDMI ports, 2 VGA ports; simultaneous video sources output for HDMI1+VGA1 and HDMI2+VGA2; 4K output. ?Four 10/100/1000 Mbps self-adaptive Ethernet ports; Four gigabit optical fiber ports expandable. ?Supports DS
SKLADOM : | Nie |
512Mbps input, 24ch 1080P decoding, max 256 IPC input, H.265&H.264 24 HDD, 1 VGA&3 HDMI, 4 RJ45(1000M), 4 USB(2USB3.0), 2 SAS3.0 RAID0/1/5/6/10, LCD Screen, redundant power
SKLADOM : | Nie |
1.50 human face image databases with 5 hundred thousand images in total. 2.50 plate databases with 5 hundred thousand plates in total. Black list/white list function. 3.12-channel human face recognition (1080P video stream) or 40 images/second image st
SKLADOM : | Nie |
1.50 human face image databases with 5 hundred thousand images in total. 2.50 plate databases with 5 hundred thousand plates in total. Black list/white list function. 3.24-channel human face recognition (1080P video stream) or 80 images/second image st
SKLADOM : | Nie |
1.50 plate databases with 500,000 plate numbers in total,Supports allowlist and blocklist. 2.FR(Face Recognition) by camera, FD (Face Detection) by camera+FR by IVSS, FR by camera+FR by IVSS, FD by IVSS+FR by IVSS, metadata by camera+FR by IVSS, ITC+FR b
SKLADOM : | Nie |
Označené produkty
Farby: Čierna = V cenníku; Modrá = Novinka; Oranžová = Výpredaj sklad.zásob; Červená = Akciový produkt; Zelená = Znížená cena; Fialová = Veľmi dôležitý produkt; Šedá = Dopredaj (koniec výroby); Zelená = Volať PM; Tyrkysová = Obmedzená dostupnosť; Oranžová = Mimoriadny výpredaj; Tmavorůžově = Cena do vypredania; Modrozeleně = Cena na dotaz; černá = R.I.P.; Zelená = Ukončená výroba; Zelená = Repas; = Promo special ;
- Digitálny žiak
- E-mobilita
- Ekologické produkty
- Elektronická evidencia tržieb
- Foto a video
- GSM telefóny
- Herná zóna
- Inteligentná domácnosť
- Káble, adaptéry a konektory
- Komponenty PC/Notebooky
- Monitory a projekčné zariadenia
- Pamäťové úložište, média CD/DVD/BR
- PC, notebooky, tablety
- Počítačové príslušenstvo
- Servery, storage a racky
- Sieťové prvky
- Služby
- Software
- Spotrebná elektronika
- Tlačiarne a kancelárske vybavenie
- Zábava
- Záložné zdroje (UPS) a prepäťové ochrany
- Zdravá výživa a gastro špeciality
- Obalové materiály
Prevádzková doba SWS (po-pia)
Obchodné oddelenie
8:30 - 17:00Produktoví manažéri
8:30 - 17:00Pokladňa
8:30 - 17:00Reklamačné oddelenie
8:30 - 17:00Osobné odbery
8:30 - 17:00